Sunday, June 30, 2019

The water bottle purchase

We’re in full on prep mode as we fly out in 2 days. I decide that I need to buy a water bottle with built in filter. I soon find out that such tech comes with a price. Since I don’t have time for any online shopping I bite the bullet, find the cheapest ones and $75 (for 2) later here they are. Why do I need such tech which filters a lot but not everything? Well I figure most places will be striving for environmental consciousness and providing water bottle refills in an attempt to ditch plastic bottles. Awesome! But I have vivid memories of being served ‘filtered’ water in India and getting sick. Filters are only as good as the upkeep they get. I’m sure the water I was drinking had an old filter in it. On that trip we had 5 months. With only 4 weeks ahead of us this time I’m being extra cautious. And that’s why we have the $75 water bottles. Thanks Kathleen, Hope and John for the MEC birthday gift card!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

This is it!

Getting Ready
OMG it's actually happening! We're dusting off the backpacks and hitting the road. It's been 9 long years since we've done any adventure travel. And this IS THE YEAR! Why this year? Because I turned 50 (shocking) and it seemed like a good reason to go back to our beloved SE Asia. In the past we've been to Thailand and South and Central Vietnam. This time we're heading to North Vietnam, Laos with a couple of days in Bangkok to gorge on the amazing Thai food. 

So what was the criteria for this trip?

  • Volunteering (good exposure for Naiya) + ELEPHANTS (good exposure for me). Decided to mix the two for an unforgettable experience. In Laos we're volunteering for a week at an elephant conservation center. Yeah, we'll be working at the conservation center and learning about the elephants. No riding, no shows - just elephant conservation. It's legit - see elephants being transported to sanctuary here.
  • Culture, people and for N to see how the less fortunate live and can still be happy. I'm hoping that her sense of entitlement diminishes after this trip. She's a good kid, and this is the perfect age to plant the seed. Her first time in Asia.
  • Comfort. Feels good to go back to some familiar stomping grounds. And our $ goes so much further there.
  • FOOD. OMG the FOOD!
We head out July 2. Stay tuned as our adventures unfold.➞